The blade is steel, straight, single-edged, fullerless.
The blade's back widens out into a pipe back transformed
into a rib in the blade's third part close to the tip, extending
to the spear-point. In the third part nearest the tip the blade
is double-edged and slightly widened out.
The hilt comprises a pommeled grip and a guard.
The grip is wood, covered in leather,
traversed with cross-wise
grooves, bound in the grooves with twisted wire. The grip's back
is surmounted by a metal back-piece. The grip's pommel is ball-shaped.
The guard comprises a knuckle bow, two side bars,
branching off it and the cross-guard, accepting the arched-out
side bows, attached to it. The cross-guard piece is
surmounted on either side with
sexagonal flat ecussions. The quillon tip
is slightly curled down and rounded. Since 1914 the metal
back-piece, riding on top of the grip was embossed in its upper
part with a floral pattern and the cypher of the Emperor, whose reign
made the weapon owner's first commissioned rank possible. The
scabbard is wood, covered in leather. The metal mount features a mouth-piece,
a broad band and a chape, ending in a shoe. The locket and the
band are fitted with loose rings to take the belt suspension's
straps. All the
hilt's metal parts are gilt - as are scabbard's too.
Overall length is about 950 mm, the blade's
length - about 800 mm,
the blade's width - about 30 mm, the mass - downwards of
gr. In 1855 this pattern came in to replace the navy
officers' Navy officers' Pattern 1811
sabre. In 1858
a sabre
with the same hilt, but featuring a seaman's (boarding) pattern
1856 cutlass blade was made regulation to the boatswains and Navy
sergeant majors.
In 1906 the officers' sabre was given all the
conductors and first and second court of request Marine
department personnel, serving extra time, to carry as regulation.
In 1914 the Navy officers' sabre replaced the
aviation and air navigation units officers' dragoon shashka's (
shasqua's) .
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