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Home > Russian Arms > Sabres: Life Guard's Ataman regiment officers' 'clytch' (shamshir) |
The blade is steel, curved, single-edged. Curvature- and decoration-wise and in fuller character the blades were arbitrary. The hilt comprises a grip with pommel and a guard. The grip is wood, covered in leather, featuring transverse grooves and bound in the grooves with twisted wire (Fig. 59 A), or horn (Fig. 59 B). The grip's back is surmounted by a metal back- -piece sweeping into a pommel; shaped as a bird's head. The guard is formed by a cross-guard piece with a double langet and a knuckle bow, leaving it a right angle, its upper end joining the pommel. The double langet is shaped into a straight faceted bar. All the hilt's metal parts are gilt. The scabbard is wood, covered in dark-green velvet. The metal slit mount is known to come in two variations: a) solid with two long figured slits, featuring two bands with (loose-) ring fitments to take the belt suspension's straps and a shoe; b) featuring a locket and a chape. The locket is pierced out with two round holes, the chape - with one long slit. The locket and the chape are clasped with one figured band each bearing a (loose-) ring fitment to take the belt suspension's straps. The chape ends in a shoe. The bands are gilt. Overall length is about 1,000 mm, the blade's length is about 800 mm, the width and curvature of the blade are arbitrary, the mass - about 1,700 gr. The "clytch" (shamshir) was only carried outside formation by the Life Guard's Ataman regiment officers, probably, after 1909 till the end of the period considered. |