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Home > Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg > The manuscript and rare book department contains a lot of valuable documents

Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg

The manuscript and rare book department contains a lot of valuable documents

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The manuscript and rare book department contains a lot of valuable documents: "The History of Russian Theatre" by S.Svetlov, letters by A.Benois, A.Golovin, A.Suvorin, F.Schalyapin, V.Komissarzhevskaya, M.Schepkin, P.Mochalov, T.Karsavina, Maria Taglioni, Sarah Bernhart, Eleonore Duse, Ernesto Rossi and others.

Among the rare books one might found "The Works and Translations by V.Lukin" in 2 volumes, Theatre de L'Hermitage de Catherine II. - V.1-2.- Paris,1799; The Hermitage Theatre. Collected Works by Catherine II. - V.1-2. - St.Petersburg, 1802; Complete Works of all Russian Theatrical Writings in 43 volumes; first editions of the Russian dramatists of the XVIII-XIXth centuries, books of Russian futurists of the XXth century and much more besides.

Rarities from collection of the Library.

Some books from the private collections bear presentation inscriptions and autographs from N.Nekrasov, N.Leskov, I.Turgenev, I.Goncharov, D.Merezkovsky, A.Blok, I.Bunin, L.Andreev, N.Evreinov and other Russian writers.

Theatre scholar Yu.Nelidov was the Director of the Library from 1923 till 1933. It was the time of forming of the traditions of the current libraries' activities. At that time the art and production department was established on the basis of the Mounting Library of the Imperial Theatres.

It contains not only illustrations relating to the history of stage and everyday costume, interiors, furniture and everyday life, but also the original costumes and set designs by Boquet, P.Gonzago, A.Roller, V.Gartman, A.Scharleman, I.Vsevo-lozhsky, E.Ponomarev, A.Benois, L.Bakst, A.Golovin, K.Korovin, B.Anisfeld and other theatre artists for plays, opera and ballet.