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Home > Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg

Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg

1. The Saint Petersburg Theatrical Library is the oldest theatrical library in Russia

2. The library began to organized much earlier owing to efforts of F.Volkov

3. The first documentary evidence of existence of the library

4. The location of the library

5. The Library bores many different names over the centuries

6. The library possesses the unique collection of Russian, French, German and Italian plays of the XVI-XXth centuries

7. Prince A.Lobanov-Rostovsky (1788-1866) presented his private book collection to the Theatrical library

8. The present image of the library was created by it's Director A.Polyakov (1882-1923).

9. The 'Censorship in Drama' collection includes autographs and authorized scripts of plays by A.Ostrovsky, I.Turgenev, N.Nekrasov, A.Chekhov, L.Tolstoi, A.Remizov, M.Kuzmin

10. A.Polyakov

11. M.Savina

12. V.Protopopov

13. Alexandrinsky Theatre actor N.Khodotov presented over 15,000 books to the library

14. I.Manuilov

15. The manuscript and rare book department contains a lot of valuable documents

16. During World War Two the library did not shut for a single day

17. Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg today