The location of the library became
known only from the beginning of the XIXth century. It was quartered in
the St.Petersburg Maly Theatre, which was built by architect V.Brenna and
from 1832 it was located in the Alexandrinsky Theatre, finished by that
time by C.Rossi. We can suppose, that the Library moved around with the
Russian theatre company till it found the permanent location. At first,
the Central Administration of the Imperial Theatres entrusted the management
of the library to the roles copyists and prompters, and later-to the translators.
They were put under the supervision of the Inspectors of the Russian theatre
company. In 1889 the Central Administration of the Imperial Theatres gave
an order for joining the libraries of French, German, Russian theatre companies
and the Mounting library. The library's depository is located in three
spacious halls fitted with built-in two-tiered oak bookcases on the ground
floor of the building in Teatralnaya ulitsa (now 2, ulitsa Zodchego Rossi). |