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Home > Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg > The library possesses the unique collection of Russian, French, German and Italian plays of the XVI-XXth centuries

Theatrical Library of Saint-Petersburg

The library possesses the unique collection of Russian, French, German and Italian plays of the XVI-XXth centuries

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The library possesses the unique collection of Russian, French, German and Italian plays of the XVI-XXth centuries. The collection of plays in Russian is a practically complete repertoire of the Russian stage from the beginning of the Russian theatre till the February revolution 1917.

In the end of the XVIIIth century the dramatical collection of secret counsellor V.Bibikov (1740-1787) has been purchased into the library. V.Bibikov was the Director of the Russian theatre company, dramatical censor, dramatist and friend of A.Sumarokov. The rare book and manuscript department contains first printed plays and libretti of A.Sumarokov, and the script of his play The Quarrel of Husband and Wife , which bears the inscription by I.Dmitrevsky about it first performance in 1757.

A.Sumarokov (1717-1777)