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The National Library of Russia

The Ostromir Gospel of 1056-57

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The Ostromir Gospel of 1056-57
The Ostromir Gospel of 1056-57

The library expanded its stocks by purchases and donations, but the prime source was the legislation of 1810 which gave the library the right to two free statutory copies of every publication produced in Russia. Yet there are other collections no less valuable, among them the Greek manuscripts. These include papyruses of the second to fourth centuries A.D., fragments of the famous Codex Siflaiticus, the Porfiry Gospel (835) and Psalter (862), and the tenth-century Gospel ofTrebizond. The stocks of Western European manuscripts is absolutely unique, embracing some 6,000 codices of the 15th to 20th centuries and more than 70,000 documents. Here there are manuscript of St. Augustine (5th century) and the Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People (746) which includes the sole surviving text of a hymn by Caedmon. Here too are the world famous Grands Chroniques de France. The majority of these gems came from the libraries of the French kings or other members of the royal family. The eastern manuscript collection makes it possible to trace the entire development of writing in the East, the birthplace of the most ancient civilizations.